It is in your hands, to make a better world for all who live in it
– Nelson Mandela
Our purpose
According to the World Health Organization, a staggering 2.5 billion people have limited access to healthcare, with the greatest burden disproportionately affecting people who live in low and middle income countries. As shifting demographics throughout the world put pressure on already strained healthcare systems, there is an urgent need to rethink access models.
The Global Health Unit, a cornerstone of Sanofi’s commitment to society, is a pioneering not for profit and sustainable social business model. We are improving access to 30 essential Sanofi-quality medicines in 40 countries with the highest unmet medical needs and where we have limited or no presence.
Our work
Through the Impact Brand, we guarantee accessible prices to patients in low and middle income countries, many of whom do not have access today. We are focused on non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, and have reached over 238,000 people, moving toward our goal of reaching 2 million by 2030.
By taking a holistic approach to care through impactful partnerships that act as a catalyst, the Global Health Unit helps strengthen healthcare ecosystems through initiatives such as HCP training and disease education to support patients.
Designed to achieve priorities in a sustainable manner, the Global Health Unit provides comprehensive support to ministries of health and NGOs in the transition to Universal Health Coverage for NCDs, while scaling up inclusive businesses through an Impact fund.
Our presence
Discover the countries in which we work to improve access to quality healthcare for patients.
Why we focus on Impact
What does it mean to have an impact? The dictionary describes it as having a strong effect on someone or something. Whilst impact investing is described as a general investment strategy that seeks to generate returns while also creating a positive social or environmental impact.
We at Sanofi recognize that we can help to make a better world for all who live in it. Our impact will reverberate through the Global Health Unit and our Impact Brand and Impact Fund.
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MAT-GLB-2304595 (v3.0)
DOP: April 2024